The most delicious and healthy sauerkraut!
About Us
My name is Tatiana and I am the founder and inspirer of the brand Life inside. A few years ago I started having health problems. I tried to find the reasons, because doctors from polyclinics treated me with pills, but none of them even tried to get to the bottom of the reasons that led me to diseases. Realizing that they would not help me here, and taking responsibility for my health on myself, I began to study and look for answers to my questions. In the process of acquiring new knowledge, I realized that my vocation was nutritionology, left my unloved job, and plunged into my new hobby. The more I studied questions about the relationship between health and nutrition, the more interesting and fascinating nutriciology, biochemistry, and physiology became for me. The connection of lifestyle, nutrition and health became more and more obvious, the puzzle in my head began to take shape. And by starting to follow the treatment protocol and taking dietary supplements, my health began to improve, which meant that I was on the right track. Then there was more training, and it was from there that I learned about the connection between the health of the gastrointestinal tract and the influence of the intestinal microbiota on everything that happens in our body. And then the idea dawned on me that fermented foods are a medicine food, it's a trend, and that you need to ferment!!! My husband and I started fermenting at home, gained experience, and then decided to open production so that our healthiest and tastiest food became available to as many people as possible, so that everyone could take care of their health with food, not pills. Real fermented foods are not only healthy, but also very tasty!
Delivery of the order is carried out in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road from Monday to Saturday. Minimum order is 3000₽.
Shipping cost - 600₽ (for order from 5000₽ - free).
Delivery beyond the MRR and the Moscow region is calculated separately, write (the green button on the bottom right).
Individual Entrepreneur Stepanova T.S.
ITN 667004426380
OGRN 319774600681632
Actual address: Moscow, Malygina str., 1, p.2
Tel. +7 (965) 164 06 86
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